Activar Delivery deliverect

Modificado el Lun, 29 Jul, 2024 a 4:46 P. M.

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POS Integrations
IGT Ágora
IGT Ágora: Send Orders as Invoices
IGT Ágora: Send Orders as Invoices
Updated over a week ago

Follow these steps to send orders from Deliverect to IGT Ágora as invoices instead of orders.


Step 1. Log in to the web platform of your POS.


Step 2. Go to the Herramientas tab and select Configuración de Pago y Pedidos.


Step 3. Select the + Nueve button.


Step 4. Set the Tipo field to Delivery. The Usuario, Forma de pago, Plantilla, and Ubicacion field values are not important, but need to be complete. Deliverect will send this information in the orders.


Step 5. In the Gestion de Pedidos section, if you don’t want to manage the order status from IGT Agora orders console, set the Pasar a as Entregado and activate the checkbox called Emitir una factura.


Step 6. Create a service in Servicios section (the content is not important).


Step 7. Define Area de Entrega (the area itself is not important).


Step 8. Go to Administracion then Configuracion Global. In Pagos y Pedidos con Carta Digital, select the configuration created during the previous step in the Delivery field.


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